



  1. 如何定義領導人的期待
  2. 如何使用個人優勢成為稱職領導者
  3. 如何投資發展合適的管理人選
  4. 如何創造個人領導力發展計畫
1. 如何定義領導人的期待


為了精準的協助企業與個人發展,在過去的70 年裡面,蓋洛普研究了超過1400 萬名員工、2000個企業組織、60個國家、20個產業、研究559個職業角色、匯總360個工作需求、35個獨特需求和7個核心能力、這些構成了7個經理人成功的核心能力。
  1. 建立關係。與他人聯繫以建立信任,管理情商,分享想法並完成工作。
  2. 培養人才。通過優勢發展,明確的期待值,鼓勵和指導幫助不同世代的工作人提高效率。
  3. 引領變革。意識到改變至關重要,在VUCA世代為改變設定目標,並進行有針對性的努力,以適應工作願景。
  4. 激勵夥伴。通過願景,自信心,挑戰和認可來激勵他人。
  5. 創新思維。尋找相關資訊,嚴格評估信息,應用策略知識並解決問題。
  6. 溝通清晰。傾聽的能力,溝通分享目標,簡明扼要地共享信息,不帶偏見、無歧視的觀點。
  7. 當責能力。讓自己和其他人對能對表現負責。


透過蓋洛普優勢教練探討 Gallup 的 “七個經理人核心能力” 與優勢測評幫助組織將每位員工的核心能力發展、高效能職場表現的行為建立成功的一致性關聯。它們還能幫助員工了解,如何更好的使用優勢潛力,成為更好的團隊,並實現組織的目的。


2. 善用優勢成為領導者

全球目前已經超過2500萬人進行了蓋洛普 CliftonStrengths 克利夫頓優勢測評。通過 CliftonStrengths 評估,您可以了解自己的天賦,指的是可以有效應用、自然而然反復出現的思維,感覺或行為模式。優勢的展現指的是在特定任務中提供一致,幾乎完美的能力。當您了解自己的天份才幹時,需要持續鍛鍊,才能並將其發展為實現績效的優勢。

如何運用前五項優勢,來發展的七項領導人的核心能力例如建立關係?蓋洛普 Gallup 的個人報告與優勢教練,將為您提供精進的優勢建議,說明如何運用天賦來達到期望,需要注意的盲點以及如何進一步發展天賦優勢。

  1. 清晰的目標與溝通計劃
  2. 了解7個成功經理人核心能力期待
  3. 根據7個經理人核心能力來追踪表現(如360度評估)
  4. 使用優勢來展現領導人核心能力
  5. 持續性地使用優勢
  6. 根據7個期待值來持續追踪表現(如360評估測試)
Gallup Global Strengths

3. 投資合適的人選

如果選才的時候找到適合的人選,把對的人放在對的位置上,將產生許多正面的影響,列如提高速度,生產率,精準度,敬業和出勤率。企業若能聘用前20%具核心能力的候選人,組織將受益於產能提高10%,離職率降低 10%,銷售額提高20%,缺席降低25%以及利潤提高30%。



4. 創造 IDP 個人發展計畫


1. 從選擇對的人適應角色開始
2. 認識發展天賦優勢
3. 通過核心能力期待值和優勢發展來實現績效(可以搭配360度評估結果)


1. 認識天份優勢,參與結合探索經理人天賦特質與期待的優勢教練或研討會

2. 將成功經理人核心期待值與個人發展計劃 IDP 搭配以評估發展

3. 根據反饋重新調整 IDP 個人發展計劃評估發展,持續根據反饋重新調整 IDP


Become Gallup Certified Global Strengths Coach
Gallup Global Strengths

Building Exceptional Leadership for the Future

Leadership is more important than ever during a crisis. Right now, it is a mission-critical moment for organizations, a time to build strength at the top of the house that will ensure short-term stability and long-term success. For example, empowered individual leaders throughout an organization can find solutions to your most pressing challenges. Shoring up a bench of leadership talent reduces your risk of being caught out by events and changing regulations and restrictions. To become a successful manager or future leader, you need to know how to:

  1. Learn the Leadership Expectations as a manager
  2. Utilize Strengths for Developing Leaders
  3. Invest in the Right Fit
  4. Create your Leadership Development Strategy

1. Leadership Expectations as a success manager

Gallup’s Philosophy
It is important to link Competencies and Strengths to drive Performance. The process involves Define Expectations, Apply Strengths and then Aim Performance. To accelerate the process, companies need to find the right fit for the job first.

1. Build Relationships. Establish connections with others to build trust, share ideas and accomplish work.

2. Develop People. Help others become more effective through strengths development, clear expectations, encouragement and coaching.

3. Lead Change. Recognize that change is essential, set goals for change and lead purposeful efforts to adapt work that aligns with the stated vision.

4. Inspire Others. Inspire others through vision, confidence, challenge and recognition.

5. Think Critically. Seek information, critically evaluate information, apply knowledge and solve problems.

6. Communicate Clearly. Listen, share information concisely and with purpose, and be open to opinions.

7. Create Accountability. Hold self and others responsible for performance.

Leaders who score in the 75th percentile of the 360 assessment are twice as likely to be a top performer than those with average scores. Gallup’s “Seven Expectations” help organizations align each and every employee on the behaviors that define a high-performance workplace. They also help employees better understand how to tap their potential, become a better teammate and serve the purpose of their organization. Regardless of the role in workplace, each expectation is generalizable.

2. Utilizing Strengths for Developing Leaders

CliftonStrengths Assessment
More than 30 Million people have taken the CliftonStrengths assessment. Through the CliftonStrengths assessment, you can learn about your natural talents. Talent refers to a naturally recurring pattern of thought, feeling or behavior that can be productively applied. Strengths refers to the ability to deliver consistent, near-perfect performance in a specific task.

When you learn about your talents, it is more about working towards the talent and develop it into strengths to achieve performance.

Matching 5 Strengths to Expectation
Align top 5 strengths to one of the 7 Expectations such as to build relationship. Gallup will advise you on how to apply strength to meet expectation, what to look-out for and how to further develop the strengths.

Leader Learning Journey
1. Strong Communication plan
2. Understanding of the key expectations
3. Measuring performance on key expectations (360 Evaluation Test)
4. Individualised journey of action areas using strengths
5. Ongoing application in job role
6. Measuring performance on key expectations (360 Evaluation Test)

3. Invest in the Right Fit

Having a right fit for the role

It will increase speed, productivity & precision, Longevity & Attendance. Organizations that hire the top 20% of candidates benefits from 10% higher productivity, 10% lower turnover, 20% higher sales, 25% fewer unscheduled absences and 30% higher profitability.

The wrong hire can be costly. Not only do you have to spend money to hire and train a replacement, but employing that bad hire means you missed out on the potential performance of a star.

Investing in a strategy to hire and engage employees who have high talent pays off, boosting customer engagement, revenue and profitability.

4. Creating your Leadership Development Strategy

Leadership Development Strategy

It involves building a strong foundation and having ongoing development.

Build a Strong Foundation
1. Start with Fit to Role
2. Develop Strengths
3. Aim Performance by matching expectations and strengths (360 Evaluation Result)

Ongoing Development
There are two types of ongoing development.

1. Match the expectations to Individual Development Plans (IDPs) to Assess Development and then realign IDPs based on feedback.

2. Match the expectations to Workshops, Coaching & E-learning to Individual Development Plans (IDPs) to Assess Development and then realign IDPs based on feedback.

Gallup Global Strengths



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