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Video – 從改變到轉化的共創旅程
Presentation and Speaking at the Convention of International Coach Federation, Taiwan
Video – Strengths4Success Media Interview
Create Your Life Plan by Leveraging Strengths4Success: A SLICE OF LIFE - 938 LIVE 發現我的天才,開始從改變到轉換的共創旅程: STRENGTHS FOR SUCCESS 在這個 1. 探索力 2. 願景力 3. 整合力 4....
Video – Build A High Performance Team
Build a High Performance Team 发展优势团队的战略 One of the most common objectives of a team is to solve a certain problem, which is usually why a team is created. Team members bring a diverse set of skills to the team and this provides a great scenario and the best chance in...
Video – What’s Coaching?
What's Coaching? 6 Ways of Helping People: Coaching, Consultancy, Mentoring, Facilitation, Therapy and Training
Video – Emotionally Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence is a set of competencies demonstrating the ability one has to recognise his or her behaviours, moods, and impulses, and to manage them best according to the situation. As a leader, how to be emotionally intelligent?
Video – Life Plan 938Live Interview
Create Your Life Plan Slice of Life, with Eugene Loh Viya Chen, Professional Certified Coach, who is a member of the Executive Committee of the International Coaching Federation, a non-profit organization that guarantees the evolution of the art and science and...
Unlock The Power 看見優勢願景力
How Singapore Activates Strengths To Become The World's Best Place To Do Business? The overview of 2 books: - "Unlock The Power": Singapore Discoveries and 90 Days Challenge How to Activate Your Strengths in the next 90 Days: A Coaching Workbook...
Video – Enable Strengths for Success
4 Strengths for Success Strategies to enable you to become the best version of you
Video – Activate Strengths In 3 Simple Steps
Activate your Strengths in 3 steps, name it, claim it and aim it, support by Gallup Certified Coach