What is Emotional Intelligence?
Emotional Intelligence is the ability to understand and manage your own emotions, and those of the people around you at works and life. Recent studies shown significant differences in individual performance and career success who understand and able to manage key principles and integrate Emotional Intelligence into their daily work. The purpose of emotions is to get you to focus on tasks and objectives, being present – instead of react to others’. The heart of Emotional Intelligence is to aware that your beliefs and values power perception, perceptions power emotions, emotions power attitudes, and attitudes determine behaviour. A high degree of Emotioanl Intelligence know what they’re feeling, what their emotions means, and how these emotions can affect other people, and how to manage it in an meaningful and productively way.

The Ability to Manage Your Own Emotions
Emotional Intelligence is the ability to understand and manage your own emotions, and those of the people around you.
For leaders, having EI is essential for success. According to Daniel Goleman, an American psychologist who helped to popularize emotional intelligence, there are five key elements to it.
If you’re self-aware, you know how you feel, and your emotions and your action can affect the people around you. Being self-aware when you’re in a leadership position also mean having a clear picture of your strengths and weakness.
- Emotional self-awareness
- Accurate self-assessment
- Self-confidence
What can you do to improve your self-awareness?
- Keep a journal: write down your thoughts which can improve your self-awareness
- Slow down: when you experience anger or other strong emotions, slow down to examine why and choose how you react it.
People who regulate themselves effectively rarely verbally attack others, make rushed or emotional decision, stereotype people, or compromise their value. Self-regulation is all about staying in self-control. The ability of self-regulation.
- Know your values. Review your “code of ethics” and you won’t have to think twice when you face a moral or ethical decision
- Hold yourself accountable. Stop blame others when something goes wrong. Make a commitment to admit to your mistakes and to face the consequences and you will ear the respect.
- Practice being calm. Practice deep-breathing exercises to calm yourself.
Self-motivated people work consistently toward their goals and have high standards for the quality of their work.
- Re-examine why you’re doing your job.
- Know where you stand
- Be hopeful and find something good. Being an optimistic people, no matter what problems they face
Have ability to put themselves in someone else’s situation and pay attention to body language. The key to empathy is that you have to “suspend judgment”. That’s why your best friends are listeners.
- Empathy
- Organizational awareness
- See others clearly
- Emotional boundaries
Communication is critical to understanding and managing the emotion. The ability and skills of conflict management is a valuable component and are results in stronger relationship rather than weaker or failed relationship. It take times to improve your communication skill and build your inspirational leadership. Learn how to praise others and make it become your naturally skill to build social connections.
增加情商 Emotional Intelligence 情緒智力的10條策略
1. 察覺你的感覺
2. 練習同理心
3. 給人特別的讚美
4. 有道歉和原諒人的胸懷
5. 不斷學習
6. 花點時間停下來
7. 關係需要滋養
8. 提供直接與建設性的反饋
9. 不要抱怨別人
10 練習呼吸
對於領導者而言,擁有EI情商對於成功至關重要。美國心理學家丹尼爾·戈爾曼(Daniel Goleman)認為提升情緒智商有五個關鍵要素。
1. 自我察覺
如果您具有自我察覺的意識,那麼您就會知道自己的感受、情緒和行為會影響到周圍的人。 領導者具有的自我察覺,意味著要清楚地了解自己的優勢和劣勢。其中包括:
- 情緒的自我察覺
- 準確的自我評估
- 具有自信心
2. 自我管理
能有效地進行自我管理的人,很少會在口語上攻擊他人,或做出倉促情緒化的反應、對他人有刻板印象或損害其他人的價值。 自我管理就是保持自我控制、調節情緒的能力。首先要了解您的價值觀,明白哪些是不容妥協的 “道德規範”,當您面對道德衝突或需要做正確決定時,能清楚展現您的觀點。
讓自己負責。 當出現問題時,不要責怪他人。 承認自己的錯誤並承擔後果,您將會得到應有的尊重。練習冷靜情緒,進行深呼吸,可以使自己在情緒中趨於平靜。
3. 自我激勵
4. 社會意識
有能力讓自己處在別人的處境中,並關注肢體語言。 同理心的關鍵在於您必須“暫停判斷”。 這就是為什麼你最好的朋友永遠是願意聆聽您的聽眾。據有同理心,有組織的集體意識,清楚地看到別人和自己情感的界限。
5. 社交技能
溝通對於理解和管理情緒至關重要。衝突管理的能力和技能是很重要的組成部分,溝通可以使人際關係更加牢固,而不是關係破裂或失敗。 需要花時間練習提升您的溝通技巧,建立鼓舞人心的領導能力。了解如何表揚鼓勵他人,並讓這些技巧成為在職場中建立社交關係的天生技能。

10 Strategies for developing your Emotional Intelligence
- Study your feeling
- Practice empathy
- Give specific praise
- Apologize and forgive
- Continually learn
- Take time to pause
- Nurture relationships
- Give direct, constructive feedback
- Don’t blame others
- Practice breathing