

One of the most common challenges of working from home is boundary management. If you are new to working remotely, trying to balance home, family and work priorities may feel overwhelming. But with sufficient self-awareness and by using your innate talents and strengths-based planning, you can familiarise yourself with this new way of life, while staying healthy and connected at the same time.

To have a life of wellbeing, think about how you can leverage your strengths, using these tips to balance home life, family life and work life.

1. Manage expectations of yourself, your team and your family.
2. Create a routine and build an office environment at home.
3. Set achievable tasks each day and remember to give yourself a break.
4. Stay connected to your team, and mark out clear responsibilities and deadlines to manage projects.
5. Put in place the right technological groundwork, including computers, high-speed Internet, cell phones and shared drive.
6. Make sure you have a quiet place at home to communicate and collaborate effectively.
7. Be kind to yourself. No one is perfect at multitasking. Practice good self-care. Prioritize breaks during the day and set reasonable boundaries.
8. Stay connected with your social communities such as friends and co-workers, by meeting virtually for ‘coffee chats’.
9. Value yourself by valuing your time. Turn down last-minute and unscheduled conversations, especially if they’re not related to your priorities.
10. Plan and prepare meals or snacks in advance, while viewing it as another to-do task

As independent workers, many of us do not have managers to support us and give us a sense of normalcy and stability. We have to be our own managers. Look at your innate strengths to meet these new challenges. Even when we work remotely, keep your workers engaged and find new ways to connect while in isolation.

It is important that we now learn to adjust to this new work environment – because who knows, the homely workplace may just be tomorrow’s norm.





1. 與自己,您的團隊和家人一起管理期望,創造和諧共識
2. 創建例程,在家中建立適合工作的獨立辦公環境
3. 每天設定可以實現的任務,記得要讓自己在任務間休息一下
4. 與團隊保持聯繫。對於管理項目的職責和期限有明確共識
5. 建立適當的硬體技術與基礎,包括電腦設備、高速網路,手機,共享檔案夾
6. 確保您有安靜的工作空間,將幫助與其他人進行有效的溝通
7. 對自己好一點,沒有人是完美的多重任務處理者。鼓勵讚賞自己
8. 與您的社交圈保持互動聯繫,習慣進行網路聊天,甚至只是虛擬的“咖啡聊天”,都能與同事和朋友保持親密關係
9. 在工作與生活間設定合理的界限,珍惜寶貴時間。如果不是緊急或優先任務,學習推遲臨時干擾與時間的要求

